After taking a year off from writing, I’m finally feeling ready to dust off my laptop and publish articles again.
If this is your first time visiting my blog, first, let me say, welcome! I am Danielle Skeaton, the writer behind this blog, which started way back in 2018.
I took a year off from writing because I welcomed my fifth child, our daughter named Savannah. Since she’s our last baby, I wanted to make sure I could be fully present to enjoy every milestone and moment with her, so blogging took a back seat.

But, with her first birthday quickly approaching at the end of this month, I feel that now is the perfect time to get back to my first love — writing.
Since starting this blog back in 2018, I’ve written about frugal living, shared money-saving tips for families, documented my pregnancy and parenting experiences, and even shared a few home hacks, but none of that seemed to excite me.
I simply didn’t have the motivation to continue writing.
What I realized is that I want my blog, this website, to have deeper meaning and solve a specific problem.
You see, as a mom with five kids and a husband, my number one dilemma has always been trying to figure out what to cook for dinner each night.
The irony is, I would actually consider myself to be an organized person — planning and organization is a skill that comes natural to me, but meal planning? I can’t tell you how much I hate the stress of that.
Every time I went grocery shopping, I’d just stand there in the middle of the aisle feeling completely overwhelmed.
I thought I hated cooking when really I hated not knowing what to cook.

So instead of overcomplicating things, I learned to create easy, repeatable systems for meal planning and family dinners that actually fit my life as a mom of five.
And this is what I’m truly passionate about—making dinner easier for us all!
I’ve decided that I’m going to start sharing dinners I’ve simplified to help you plan, cook, and serve meals your family will love along with tips related to meal planning and everyday mom life.
It is my hope that this blog will not just be about serving up dinner inspiration; it’ll help you reclaim your peace of mind—one meal at a time.
Do you prefer meal planning or winging it?
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